Cremation then what options? 

Sunset Sanctuary in the Southern Twin Cities is creating the perfect blend of conservation, eco- friendly and affordable memorial gardens. In Minnesota nearly 78% of residents decide on cremation today. Most all our pets are also cremated. What are the options after this? Many people decide to keep their loved one’s ashes at home on a shelf, others release them into lakes or rivers. Some decide to bury or spread them in parks or other public places. 

An affordable solution is Sunset Sanctuary, a former farm was selected because of its 35-acre natural pond, its existing pine trees, and its over farmed soil of about 100 acres. Part conservation/part memorial gardens this private sanctuary sells subscriptions (ash sites) either under trees (5 sites/tree) or in garden plots of wildllowers (your choice) and prairie grasses. 

The Sanctuary is open daily for its subscribers to come visit their loved ones, to stroll the trails or to enjoy the abundant nature. 

Each subscription has one full website to share pictures, memories, and life experiences. Visit for more details and information.